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About John Coulthard


3-D rendering of a surface represented by scattered data points

QuikGrid is free software released under the GNU General Public License. Full details about obtaining the current release are available here.


QUIKGRID is a program which will read in a set of scattered data points (x, y, z) which represents a surface. The program will generate a grid from this data and then display the surface as a contour map, or as a 3d representation. The left mouse button may be used to zoom in and pan about the display. The right mouse button may be used to display information about the generated grid coordinates and data points.

A dredged channel on a section of the Ganges river

The grid may be displayed as a wire frame or as a hidden surface grid, optionally with colours. The grid and contour lines may be output as a DXF file. The generated grid may be output to a file as a series of XYZ triplets, in the DXF 3DFACE format or as an ER Mapper Raster Dataset. QuikGrid may be used to view 1-degree USGS DEM files.

QUIKGRID is easy to use. It will run on modest hardware platforms. It is well suited in situations where it is desired to have a quick look at a set of data points, for example under field conditions where only a portable PC is available. QuikGrid is documented through its help facility.

Feb 15/11
Jul 26/16 Update speed example.
Apr/18 Revised.
Jun/23 Revised.